By the end of this webpage, you will be able to: 

define the expressions of concentrations namely percentage weight-in-volume, percentage weight-in weight, percentage volume-in-volume.

define the expression ratio strength in its simplest form, milligram percent, parts-per-million, and parts-per-billion.

convert percentage strength expressions to ratio strength expressions.

express concentration of mixtures in percentage, ratio strength and milligram percent.

solve application problems involving percent strength, ratio strength, weight-in-volume, weight-in-weight, volume-in-volume, milligram percent for pharmaceutical preparations with 100% accuracy without  assistance.

Dilution, Concentration and Alligation

By the end of this section you should be able to:

  1. differentiate between dilution and concentration of a pharmaceutical preparation
  2. explain special considerations for altering product strength in pharmaceutical compounding
  3. perform calculations for altering product strength by dilution using the concept of ratio and proportion with 100% accuracy.
  4. apply the equation CsVs = CdVd with 100% accuracy and without assistance. 
  5. perform calculations for altering product strength by dilution using the equation CsVs=CdVd with 100% accuracy and without assistance
  6. perform calculations for preparing a stock preparation with 100% accuracy and without assistance
  7. perform calculations for reconstituting powders for suspensions and solution using ratio and proportion and CsVs=CdVd equation with 100% accuracy and without assistance
  8. perform calculations for altering (fortifying or diluting) the concentration of a given formula with 100% accuracy

Altering Product Strength

The strength of a preparation signifies the concentration of the mixture. This concentration can be adjusted by either increasing or decreasing it. Typically, we dilute portions of the stock to create a less concentrated mixture by adding a diluent. Conversely, concentration can be enhanced, making it more potent, by adding more of the active ingredient; this is known as fortification.

Let us explore how we can do this using the following methods. Click on each tab below to review the related content. 

By: D. Baker (BPharm, Dip.Ed.)

Published: 2023- 11- 10, Last updated: 2024- 04- 07.