Course Rationale 

Epidemiology is a fundamental discipline of public health that provides the tools and methods for studying the distribution and determinants of health and disease in populations. This course will introduce learners to the principles and methods of epidemiological research. Learners will be able to apply epidemiological measures as part of a multidisciplinary healthcare team to improve health outcomes.

Course Description 

The course, Principles of Epidemiology aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the concepts, methods, and applications of epidemiology in improving health outcomes. The course comprises three units, disease intervention, epidemiology and disease causation, and epidemiology evaluation and policy development. Students should be able to critically evaluate epidemiological studies, analyze data, and communicate the findings to various stakeholders, as well as apply epidemiological methods to investigate health problems, identify potential solutions, and develop and implement effective health intervention activities.

Learning Outcomes 

Understand the basic principles and methods of epidemiology, including measures of disease, occurrence and association, screening procedures, study designs, and evaluation.

Critically evaluate epidemiological studies, including the ability to identify strengths, weaknesses, potential biases, and measures of risks.

Understand the role of epidemiology in public health and research, including the ability to shape health policies and public health outcomes.

Understand the ethical and legal considerations related to the collection and use of epidemiological data.

Design and implement epidemiological studies, including the ability to develop study protocols, data collection instruments, and health surveillance systems.

Interpret and communicate of epidemiological data, including the ability to effectively communicate data to diverse audiences, such as policymakers, healthcare providers, and the public.

Investigate health hazards in a community and evaluate the effectiveness of health services and health intervention programmes.

Understanding the foundational concepts and principles associated with epidemiology. Explore the variables in epidemiology and assess the contribution of experts to the development of epidemiology as a discipline. 

Exploring the natural progression of diseases from onset to cure as well as factors associated with the transmission of diseases. 

Explore the fundamental measures of disease occurrence in epidemiology. Learn about incidence, prevalence, and other key concepts to understand health trends and public health challenges.

Explore the fundamentals of disease surveillance in epidemiology. Learn how data collection, analysis, and reporting contribute to public health strategies. Dive into the world of epidemiological surveillance with key insights and real-world examples.

Explore the Science of Epidemics: Uncover the Methods, Research, and Insights Behind Investigating Epidemics. Dive into Epidemiology and Learn to Decode Disease Outbreaks.

Discover the critical role of disease screening in epidemiology. Explore how early detection, testing, and preventive measures contribute to public health. Dive into the world of epidemiological screening with essential insights and practical applications.

Explore the diverse landscape of epidemiological study designs. Discuss the various types of research and research designs, uncovering their advantages and disadvantages. Learn how these designs are harnessed to yield robust clinical evidence crucial for informed healthcare decision-making. These comprehensive insights and practical knowledge will empower you to navigate the world of epidemiology effectively and contribute to sound healthcare choices.

Explore the world of research methodologies with our in-depth insights on Measures of Risk and Bias. Gain understanding of key concepts such as relative risk, odds ratio, risk reduction and other related concepts, understanding their implications in scientific studies. Learn how to ensure internal and external validity by effectively addressing confounding factors. Empower your research endeavors with insights into unbiased analysis and risk assessment techniques, enhancing the quality and reliability of your research findings.

Dive into the intricate realm of establishing causation. Uncover the nuances of causal factors, their characteristics, and the renowned Bradford Hill Criteria of Causation. Gain profound insights into the methods used to identify and validate causative relationships in various fields. Explore the foundations of causation analysis, empowering your research and decision-making processes. Elevate your understanding of causation theories and criteria, ensuring rigorous evaluation and interpretation of causal factors.

Unlock the world of Evaluation Studies, exploring their pivotal role in shaping public health policy. explore the methodologies, ethical principles, and intricacies associated with evaluation research. Gain insights into how these studies inform evidence-based policy development, fostering informed decision-making in the realm of public health. Elevate your understanding of ethical considerations in research, empowering your knowledge in conducting rigorous and responsible evaluation studies that drive meaningful policy change.