In academic programs, individuals are frequently tasked with conducting research, often as a partial fulfillment of course requirements crucial for program completion. In moments of uncertainty, a despondent student might question, “Does this constitute a proper title for research?” or express uncertainty about developing a hypothesis for their idea. Health Science Research Methods offers guidance to initiate this process. While the concepts covered extend beyond health and biomedical research, they provide applicable insights for research across various disciplines. This resource aims to assist individuals in crafting effective research titles and developing robust hypotheses, fostering a foundation for successful academic inquiry.

Health Sciences Research Methods encompass systematic approaches to investigate, understand, and contribute to knowledge in the diverse field of health. These methods aim to answer questions, solve problems, and advance scientific understanding within various health-related disciplines, including medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and more.

 By the end of this content, you will be able to:

Formulate clear and relevant research questions or hypotheses that address gaps in current knowledge or practical issues within health science disciplines.

Select appropriate research designs, whether experimental, observational, qualitative, or quantitative, base on the nature of the research question and available resources. 

Implement effective methods for data collection, which may include surveys, interviews, experiments, clinical trials, observations, or the analysis of existing data sets.

Integrate ethical principles into the research process, ensuring the protection of participants’ rights, confidentiality, and adherence to ethical guidelines governing health sciences research.

Apply suitable statistical or qualitative analysis techniques to interpret data and draw meaningful conclusions. 

Employ statistical software, coding qualitative data, and deriving evidence-based interpretations.

Effectively communicate research findings through scholarly publications, presentations, or reports. Disseminate results to relevant stakeholders, contributing to the collective knowledge in health sciences.

Embrace a commitment to lifelong learning, staying informed about emerging research methods, technological advancements, and changes in ethical standards. Adapt research approaches to incorporate new knowledge and methodologies.

Define Search

Search refers to the deliberate and systematic activity of examining or exploring a subject, location, or information resource with the specific intent of finding or discovering something. It involves a careful and thorough inspection, reading, or inquiry, often directed towards uncovering information, exploring potential places, or examining public records. The process of search may encompass various methods and strategies to ensure a comprehensive and detailed examination, with the ultimate goal of obtaining relevant or sought-after results (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

The ways of knowing, experience, reasoning, and research Common Errors in Non-Scientific Inquiry
    • Inaccurate observations
    • Overgeneralization
    • Selective observation
    • Illogical reasoning
    • Premature closure
    • Halo effect
    • Personal experience
    • Ecological fallacy

Research is empirical, rooted in the concept of empiricism where knowledge is derived from experiences.

The information resulting from these experiences takes various forms, such as test scores, field notes, or responses to questionnaires.

The researcher engages in a systematic process of examining and organizing data, generating hypotheses, and testing them. Educational research follows the scientific method within a broad framework, yet there is flexibility in how the steps are implemented across different types of studies.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking stands out as a highly coveted skill among employers across diverse industries when evaluating potential job candidates. It encompasses the capability to objectively analyze information and arrive at reasoned judgments. In essence, critical thinking entails the skillful evaluation of various sources, including data, facts, observable phenomena, and research findings. Exceptional critical thinkers possess the ability to draw sound conclusions from a pool of information, skillfully discerning between relevant and extraneous details. This proficiency proves invaluable when tackling problems or navigating decision-making processes (Doyle, 2017).

Planning for Research

 Definition Research

Research is the methodical process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our understanding of the phenomenon under study. Research is a cyclic and systematic investigation involving the study of a specific population or a subset (sample) within that population. Its purpose is to gain understanding, collect data, or measure outcomes related to a particular problem or topic of interest (Creswell, 2017).

Every research should address: a problem statement or hypothesis construction, data collection, analysis and interpretation of results. Engaging in research involves careful planning and consideration of various factors. These will be discussed in detail, but let us first take a look at the two major types of research: basic research and applied research.

Importance of Research
  • Knowledge Enhancement

Research serves as a continual process of knowledge expansion, actively addressing gaps and replicating existing knowledge. By incorporating diverse voices and perspectives, it contributes to a richer, more comprehensive understanding of various subjects.

  • Practice Improvement

Beyond theoretical contributions, research plays a pivotal role in enhancing practical applications. For educators, it serves as a source of new ideas and insights, fostering continuous improvement in teaching approaches. Additionally, it facilitates collaboration among educators, promoting the exchange of innovative practices and methodologies.

  • Informed Policy Debates

Research acts as a cornerstone in shaping well-informed policy debates. By presenting a spectrum of perspectives on critical issues, research enables individuals to weigh different viewpoints. Moreover, it empowers decision-makers with the knowledge needed to make informed choices in the development and evaluation of policies.

The research process will be discussed in terms of chapters. Click on the respective tab below to review detailed content on the components and considerations of each chapter.

Research Methodology Chapter One- Introduction

Chapter 1 establishes the foundation for the research endeavor by situating the study within existing knowledge and outlining the research background. The chapter articulates a clear statement of the problem, identifying the specific issue or gap in understanding that the research aims to address. It formulates research questions or hypotheses to guide the investigation, offering a roadmap for inquiry. Additionally, it elucidates the purpose and significance of the study, highlighting the potential contributions and relevance of the research to the academic or practical domain. The chapter also discusses the study's scope and limitations, outlining the boundaries and constraints within which the research operates. Finally, it presents the organization of the study, providing readers with a preview of the structure and flow of subsequent chapters, ensuring clarity and coherence in the research narrative. Click the Icon to Go to Chapter One.

A conceptual framework in research is a foundational structure that assists researchers in understanding, analyzing, and interpreting a research problem. A conceptual framework is essentially defined as a system of concepts, theories, or ideas that forms the basis for investigating a research problem. It acts as a lens through which researchers view their study, providing a conceptual map for understanding the relationships between key variables. The primary purpose is to delineate the central concepts, variables, and relationships relevant to the research problem. It helps organize thoughts and provides a roadmap for developing research questions, ensuring clarity and coherence in the study. By establishing a logical flow, it aids in making connections between different elements of the research.

Conceptual framework is broader and more general compared to specific research theories or models. Often, it encompasses guiding principles or perspectives that shape the overall research design, offering a holistic view of the research problem. Researchers enjoy flexibility in constructing and adapting conceptual frameworks to align with the unique needs and characteristics of their study. This adaptability allows researchers to integrate relevant theories or concepts, providing a framework that best suits the nature of the research. Let us review the common conceptual frameworks in health and social science research: 

Health Belief Model

The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a psychological model that explains and predicts health behaviors by examining individuals’ beliefs and perceptions. Developed in the 1950s by social psychologists Hochbaum, Rosenstock, and Kegels, the HBM posits that an individual’s likelihood of taking health-related action is determined by their perception of a health threat and the value they place on reducing that threat.

The Health Belief Model

Perceived Susceptibility refers to an individual’s belief regarding their vulnerability or likelihood of experiencing a particular health issue. A person might assess their susceptibility to developing diabetes based on factors like family history, lifestyle choices, and overall health.

Perceived Severity focuses on an individual’s belief about the seriousness of a health problem and the potential consequences if the issue is not addressed. Perceiving obesity as a severe health issue may involve considering the risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and reduced quality of life associated with it.

Perceived Benefits involves the individual’s belief in the effectiveness of a recommended health action to reduce the perceived threat. Believing that regular exercise and a balanced diet can effectively reduce the risk of obesity-related health problems.

Perceived Barriers involves the assessment of obstacles and costs associated with taking a health-related action. Barriers to adopting a healthier lifestyle might include time constraints, financial costs, or the perceived difficulty of making significant dietary changes.

Cues to Action are factors that prompt or stimulate individuals to take health-related action. Receiving information about the health benefits of physical activity, observing others’ positive health changes, or a health scare in the community could serve as cues to action.

Self-Efficacy reflects an individual’s belief in their ability to successfully execute a health-related action. Having confidence in one’s ability to stick to a new exercise routine or maintain a healthier diet despite challenges.

Importance of the Health Belief Model in Research

The HBM guides the development of health interventions by identifying factors that influence health behaviours. It helps researchers design strategies that consider individuals’ perceptions and beliefs.

Researchers use the HBM to understand why individuals may or may not adopt health-promoting behaviours. This understanding is crucial for designing effective interventions.

HBM aids in tailoring interventions to address specific barriers and motivators identified through individuals’ perceptions, increasing the intervention’s relevance and effectiveness.

By understanding how individuals perceive health threats and interventions, policymakers can develop more targeted and impactful public health policies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Health Belief Model

Some positives with the HBM include its: applicability, individual focus, predictive power, and practical application.

  1. The model is applicable across a wide range of health behaviours and populations.
  2. Emphasizes individual perceptions, making interventions more personalized.
  3. Effectively predicts and explains health behaviors in many contexts.
  4. Easy to use in designing health education and communication campaigns.

However, there are some shortcomings associated with the use of the HBM. These include its simplistic nature, limited scope, variable importance, and a lack of consideration for emotions.

  1. Critics argue it oversimplifies health behavior by focusing on individual perceptions.
  2. May not fully capture the complexity of social, environmental, and cultural influences.
  3. The importance of model components may vary across different behaviours.
  4. Does not explicitly consider emotional factors in health decision-making.

Health Promotion Model (HPM)

Developed by Nola Pender, the Health Promotion Model (HPM) is grounded in the belief that individuals seek to regulate their behaviour to achieve and maintain health. The HPM offers a comprehensive framework for understanding and promoting health behaviours. The key principles of HPM include:

  • Personal factors, including biological, psychological, and socio-cultural influences, shape health behaviours.

  • Cognitive factors such as perceived benefits, barriers, self-efficacy, and emotions influence health-related decision-making.

  • Health-promoting behaviours are the result of a dynamic interaction between individual characteristics, cognitions, and the environment.

  • Social support and interpersonal relationships impact individuals’ health behaviours.

  • External factors such as the environment, available resources, and situational constraints affect health behaviors.

Advantages of HPM
  1. HPM considers individual, interpersonal, and environmental factors, providing a comprehensive understanding of health behavior.

  2. The model has been successful in predicting and explaining various health behaviors across diverse populations.

  3. The model provides a framework for designing interventions to promote health behaviors by addressing relevant determinants.

Disadvantages of HPM
  1. The model’s multi-dimensional nature may be challenging for some researchers to operationalize and apply effectively.

  2. While socio-cultural influences are acknowledged, the model may not fully capture the nuances of cultural diversity.

  3. The model places significant emphasis on individual decision-making, potentially underestimating the role of external factors.

Research Process Implications of HPM

HPM is versatile and applicable across various health-related contexts. Researchers can design targeted interventions based on identified determinants within the model. The model encourages researchers to explore the interconnectedness of individual, interpersonal, and environmental factors influencing health behaviors.

Social-Ecological Model

The social ecological modelThe Social-Ecological Model (SEM) is a conceptual framework that recognizes the multi-level influences on health behaviours and outcomes.

It encompasses various levels: individual, interpersonal, community, and societal:

  • Intrapersonal/Individual Factors influence behaviour, encompassing aspects like knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and personality.
  • Interpersonal Factors involve interactions with other people, serving either as sources of social support or creating barriers that hinder interpersonal growth, subsequently impacting healthy behavior.

  • Community and Organizational Factors category includes rules, regulations, policies, and informal structures within institutions or organizations. Community Factors encompass formal or informal social norms existing among individuals, groups, or organizations. Such norms can either limit or enhance healthy behaviours.

  • Public Policy Factors involves local, state, and federal policies and laws. These regulations either control or support health actions and practices, especially for disease prevention, early detection, control, and management.

Importance of the Social-Ecological Model in Research

SEM provides a comprehensive view, acknowledging that health issues are complex and influenced by multiple factors. It informs the development of interventions by recognizing that changes at different levels can impact behaviour. SEM encourages researchers to consider the broader context in which health-related behaviours occur.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Social-Ecological Model


SEM considers a range of factors, providing a holistic understanding through the integration of multiple perspectives.

It can be applied to various health issues and behaviours.

SEM guides the development of interventions that target multiple levels.


The model’s multi-level nature can make it challenging to navigate.

Implementing interventions across multiple levels may require extensive resources.

Critics argue that SEM may not give sufficient attention to individual agency.

Critical Theory

Critical Theory, rooted in the works of philosophers such as Karl Marx and developed further by the Frankfurt School, offers a distinctive lens for examining social structures, power dynamics, and societal inequalities. This theoretical framework is grounded in the premise that social issues are deeply intertwined with power imbalances and structural injustices. Critical Theory encourages researchers to scrutinize the underlying assumptions and norms that perpetuate inequality, oppression, and marginalization within society. This approach challenges the status quo and aims to unveil hidden power structures that influence individuals and groups.

Tenets of Critical Theory

At its core, Critical Theory emphasizes the importance of questioning dominant ideologies and exposing the ways in which societal structures contribute to the reproduction of inequality. It encourages a reflexive stance, urging researchers to be aware of their own biases and positionality. Critical theorists argue that research should not merely describe social phenomena but should actively engage in social critique, advocating for social change. The framework prompts researchers to investigate not only what is visible but also what is hidden or suppressed within social systems.

Importance in Research

Critical Theory holds particular relevance in fields that aim to address social justice issues, including sociology, education, and cultural studies. By foregrounding power relations and critiquing established norms, researchers utilizing this framework contribute to a deeper understanding of social problems and potential pathways for transformative change. Critical Theory is instrumental in shedding light on the intersections of race, class, gender, and other axes of identity, fostering a nuanced analysis of the complexities within societal structures.

Research Process Implications

Researchers employing Critical Theory engage in a reflexive and participatory research process. They often collaborate with communities affected by social issues, valuing their perspectives and lived experiences. Data collection methods may include interviews, participant observation, and content analysis aimed at uncovering hidden power dynamics. The findings of research guided by Critical Theory often have implications for activism and social advocacy, as they seek to disrupt and transform oppressive structures. While powerful in its potential for societal critique, Critical Theory demands a heightened ethical awareness to navigate the complexities of research involving vulnerable populations and contested power dynamics

Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)

The Theory of Planned BehaviourThe Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is a psychological model that aims to predict and understand human behaviour. It was developed by Icek Ajzen and builds upon the earlier Theory of Reasoned Action. TPB posits that individual intention is the key predictor of behaviour, and intention is influenced by three main factors:

Attitude Toward Behaviour (AB)- This component refers to an individual’s evaluation of a particular behaviour. It assesses whether the person perceives the behaviour as positive or negative.

Subjective Norms (SN)- Subjective norms involve the perceived social pressure or expectations from significant others regarding the performance or non-performance of a behaviour.

Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC)- Perceived behavioural control reflects an individual’s belief in their ability to perform a specific behaviour successfully, considering perceived obstacles and resources.

Behavioural Intention- The three components—Attitude Toward Behaviour, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioural Control—combine to shape an individual’s behavioral intention. Behavioral intention, in turn, is a strong predictor of actual behavior.

While the main focus is on the three components, TPB acknowledges the influence of external variables, such as demographic factors, personality traits, and situational factors, that may impact the relationship between intention and behaviour.

Application of the TPB in Research

TPB is widely used in various fields, including health psychology, marketing, and social sciences, to understand and predict behaviors like adopting a healthy lifestyle, purchasing decisions, and adherence to specific practices.

  • TPB helps predict and understand behaviors based on attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control.
  • It guides the development of interventions by identifying key factors influencing behaviour.

Advantages include:

  • TPB has been successful in predicting various behaviours.
  • It is versatile and applicable to a range of behaviours.
  • Interventions informed by TPB can lead to effective behaviour change.


While TPB provides valuable insights into behavioural prediction, it oversimplifies complex human behaviours and does not fully account for emotional and cultural factors. 

  • It has been critiqued for potentially oversimplifying the complexity of human behaviour.
  • TPB may not adequately address the role of emotions in decision-making.
  • The model may not fully consider cultural nuances impacting behaviour.

Despite these limitations, TPB remains an influential model in understanding the cognitive determinants of behaviour.

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

Social Cognitive Theory. Conceptual Framework Social Cognitive Theory is a versatile framework that provides a nuanced understanding of behaviour, allowing researchers to predict, explain, and intervene in various contexts. SCT, developed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the reciprocal interaction between personal factors, behaviour, and the environment. It introduces key concepts such as observational learning, self-efficacy, and self-regulation.

  1. Observational Learning- people can learn by observing others and imitating their behaviours.

  2. Self-Efficacy- belief in one’s capability to execute actions that will produce desired outcomes.

  3. Self-Regulation- individuals can control their own behaviour through processes like goal-setting and self-monitoring.

Social Cognitive Theory- Research Application

SCT provides a holistic understanding of human behavior by considering cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors. It is applicable to various fields, including education, psychology, health, and communication. The SCT can guide the design of interventions to change behaviour by addressing factors such as role modeling and self-efficacy.

Advantages of Social Cognitive Theory 
  1. Behavioral Predictions- SCT allows for the prediction of behavior by considering cognitive and environmental influences.

  2. Practical Application- Its emphasis on observational learning provides practical insights for designing interventions.

  3. Individual-Centered- Recognizes the role of individual factors, allowing for tailored interventions.

Disadvantages of Social Cognitive Theory
  1. Complexity- SCT can be intricate, making it challenging to apply in some research contexts.

  2. Limited Emphasis on Emotion- The theory may not extensively address emotional factors influencing behavior.

  3. Not All-Encompassing- While comprehensive, SCT may not cover all aspects of behavior, necessitating integration with other theories.

Feminist Theory

Feminist theory is a multidisciplinary perspective that critically examines and challenges traditional assumptions, structures, and practices related to gender and power. Emerging from social, political, and cultural contexts, feminist theories seek to understand, critique, and transform societal norms that perpetuate gender-based inequalities. The primary focus is on dismantling patriarchal systems and advocating for the rights and experiences of women.

Principles of Feminist Theory

Feminist theories encompass a range of perspectives, but they share common principles. These include critiquing and challenging gender roles, examining power dynamics, promoting inclusivity and intersectionality, and advocating for social justice. Feminist frameworks often emphasize the importance of recognizing diverse experiences, acknowledging historical and systemic oppressions, and promoting equity in various spheres, such as education, the workplace, and interpersonal relationships.

Importance in Research

Feminist theory plays a crucial role in informing research by providing a lens through which scholars can analyze and interpret social phenomena. In research, a feminist framework prompts researchers to consider how gender intersects with other social categories, influencing experiences and outcomes. It encourages the exploration of power imbalances, marginalized voices, and the impact of gender norms on knowledge production. By employing feminist theory, researchers contribute to a more nuanced and equitable understanding of social issues, fostering positive social change and advocating for inclusive policies and practices

Grounded Theory

Grounded Theory. Research Model, Conceptual Framework Grounded Theory is a robust and widely used conceptual framework, particularly in qualitative research. Its inductive nature allows for the exploration of new phenomena. Grounded Theory, developed by Glaser and Strauss, is an inductive research approach aiming to generate theories from data rather than testing pre-existing hypotheses. The following principles guide Grounded Theory:

  1. Open Coding is the initial coding of data to identify concepts and categories.

  2. Axial Coding organizes and connects codes to find relationships and patterns.

  3. Constant Comparison is the process of continuously comparing data to refine concepts and categories.

  4. Theoretical Sampling involves selecting data sources based on emerging theories.

  5. Theoretical Saturation is the point where no new information is obtained, indicating theoretical completeness. 

Grounded Theory is employed when researchers seek to develop a theory grounded in data rather than testing existing theories. It is widely used in qualitative research across disciplines, particularly in social sciences, education, and healthcare.

Advantages of Grounded Theory

  1. Grounded Theory allows for the discovery of patterns and theories directly from data, suitable for exploring new phenomena through it inductive approach.

  2. It is adaptable and applicable to various research contexts and disciplines adding to its flexibility.

  3. The method provides detailed and contextually rich descriptions of phenomena.

Disadvantages of Grounded Theory 

  1. Conducting Grounded Theory research can be time-intensive due to the iterative nature of data collection and analysis.

  2. Interpretation is influenced by researchers, introducing potential bias.

  3. The constant comparative method and theoretical sampling can be challenging for novice researchers.

Ecological Systems Theory

Developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner, the Ecological Systems Theory offers a holistic perspective on human development, emphasizing the interconnectedness between individuals and their environments. This theoretical framework posits that an individual’s development is influenced by multiple systems, each nested within the other. Bronfenbrenner delineates these systems into microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. The microsystem consists of immediate, direct influences on an individual, such as family and peer relationships. The mesosystem involves interactions between components of the microsystem. The exosystem includes external environments indirectly impacting an individual, like parental workplace policies. The macrosystem encompasses broader cultural values and societal norms, while the chronosystem incorporates the temporal dimension, considering changes over time.

Tenets of Ecological Systems Theory

At the heart of the Ecological Systems Theory is the recognition that human development is shaped by dynamic interactions within and across various environmental contexts. It underscores the reciprocal relationships between individuals and their environments, highlighting the bidirectional influence of each system. The theory underscores the importance of considering the multiple layers of influence, acknowledging that developmental outcomes are the result of intricate interplays at various ecological levels.

Importance in Research

Ecological Systems Theory has been widely employed in developmental psychology, education, and social sciences to explore the multifaceted influences on individuals across the lifespan. Researchers using this framework examine how various ecological factors contribute to developmental trajectories, resilience, and well-being. The theory is particularly relevant in understanding the impact of diverse contexts on individuals from different cultural, socioeconomic, and demographic backgrounds. By considering the intricate web of influences, Ecological Systems Theory provides a nuanced understanding of human development that extends beyond individual attributes.

Research Process Implications

Researchers utilizing Ecological Systems Theory often employ mixed-method approaches to capture the complexity of the environments shaping individuals’ lives. They may conduct qualitative interviews, surveys, and observations to explore the dynamics within various systems. Longitudinal studies are valuable for tracking changes over time, aligning with the chronosystem concept. Ecological Systems Theory encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering a comprehensive exploration of how different fields intersect to influence human development. The framework prompts researchers to recognize the interconnectedness of systems and to consider the implications of interventions or policies on various levels of the ecological hierarchy

Bioecological Model

The bioecological model is a subtype or a specialized aspect of the broader ecological systems theory. Often associated with the ecological systems theory but places a specific emphasis on the biological aspects of human development. The Bioecological Model, conceptualized by Urie Bronfenbrenner, stands as a prominent theoretical framework in the field of developmental psychology and human behaviour. At its core, this model articulates the significance of examining an individual’s development in the context of multiple, nested environmental systems. These systems collectively contribute to shaping an individual’s experiences, behaviour, and overall development. The Bioecological Model encompasses five key environmental systems, each representing a different level of influence, thereby facilitating a comprehensive understanding of human development.

Components of the Bioecological Model

The five environmental systems include the Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem. The Microsystem involves the immediate, direct interactions of an individual within their surroundings, such as family, school, and peers. The Mesosystem highlights the interconnections between different microsystems, providing insights into how relationships in one setting can impact another. The Exosystem extends the analysis to external settings that indirectly influence the individual, such as the workplace. The Macrosystem delves into the broader cultural and societal context, considering cultural values and norms. Lastly, the Chronosystem emphasizes the dimension of time, recognizing that development is influenced by historical events and evolving contexts.

Importance in Research

Researchers find the Bioecological Model invaluable due to its holistic approach to understanding human development. Its multilevel perspective allows for a nuanced analysis of the complex interplay between individual and environmental factors. By acknowledging the significance of different systems and their dynamic interactions, the model aids researchers in uncovering the intricacies of behavior within various contexts.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The Bioecological Model’s strengths lie in its comprehensive perspective and flexibility, accommodating diverse research areas. However, its complexity can pose challenges in operationalizing and determining causal relationships. While it identifies influential factors, it may not provide explicit guidance on causality, requiring researchers to navigate the intricate relationships within the model.

Research Process Implications

Researchers applying the Bioecological Model can conduct multidimensional analyses, exploring the impact of various environmental factors concurrently. Longitudinal research becomes essential, aligning with the Chronosystem, to capture the evolving nature of individuals and their environments over time. The model also informs intervention design, guiding researchers to consider and address multiple levels of influence for more effective outcomes. In essence, the Bioecological Model contributes significantly to the depth and breadth of research in understanding the complexities of human development and behavior

In summary, a conceptual framework is a vital tool that not only defines the key components of a study but also contributes to the coherence, organization, and logical development of the research. Its flexibility makes it a dynamic tool that researchers can tailor to their specific research contexts.

Research Methodology Chapter Two- Literature Review

Chapter 2, the literature review, is a critical component of a research thesis or dissertation. It serves to systematically review, analyze, and synthesize existing scholarly works relevant to the research topic. The chapter begins by defining the scope and context of the literature review, highlighting its purpose in establishing the foundation for the study. The review progresses to identifying key themes, theories, and concepts in the literature, addressing any existing debates or controversies. It also critically examines methodological approaches used in previous studies and evaluates their strengths and limitations. Throughout the chapter, the researcher showcases their understanding of the current state of knowledge on the topic and identifies gaps or unresolved issues that the present study aims to address. The literature review sets the stage for the research methodology, providing a rationale for the chosen approach and guiding the overall structure of the research. Click the Icon to go to Chapter Two.

List of research models and theories in health and social science research A conceptual framework is a broader, more general structure that guides the overall understanding of a research problem. The conceptual framework guides the entire study. A research model, on the other hand, is a specific plan outlining the structure and components of a study, while a theory provides a systematic explanation for observed phenomena. A research model focuses on the specific methodology and design, and a theory provides a broader explanation for observed patterns.

Theories and models contribute to the research process in various ways:

  • The selection of a theory or model helps formulate research questions by providing a theoretical foundation.

  • The chosen framework influences the design of the study, including the selection of variables, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.

  • The theoretical framework guides the interpretation of study findings, allowing researchers to contextualize and understand observed patterns.

  • These theories inform the development of interventions and strategies by identifying key factors influencing behavior.

  • Theoretical frameworks often incorporate ethical considerations, ensuring that research respects the rights and well-being of participants.

The Research Process, Research methodology

The research design is the overarching plan or blueprint that outlines the systematic approach and structure of a research study. It serves as a methodological framework guiding the researcher in addressing research questions or hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing valid conclusions. The design encompasses crucial elements such as the study’s population, sample size, sampling techniques, data collection methods, and data analysis procedures. Research designs also involve considering ethical considerations, potential biases, and limitations inherent in the chosen approach. It outlines the systematic steps taken to ensure the study’s internal validity, reliability, and overall methodological soundness.

A well-defined research design is essential for achieving the study’s objectives and contributes to the credibility of research findings. It helps researchers make informed decisions about the methods they employ, ensuring that the chosen approach aligns with the nature of the research problem. Different research designs, such as experimental, observational, correlational, or mixed-methods designs, offer varying strengths and weaknesses, allowing researchers to tailor their approach to the specific requirements of their study. Overall, the research design is the foundational structure that shapes the entire research process, providing clarity, coherence, and a systematic pathway for conducting a robust and rigorous investigation.

Types of Research Designs

Several types of research designs are commonly used in the field of research, each serving specific purposes and addressing distinct research questions. Listed above are just a few examples, and researchers may choose or combine designs based on their specific research questions, goals, and constraints. Research designs in health sciences help address questions related to disease prevention, treatment effectiveness, healthcare policies, and public health interventions. Health science research often employ a combination of these designs to gain a comprehensive understanding of complex health-related issues.

Research Methodology Chapter Three- Research Design and Methodology

Chapter 3 in a research dissertation is a critical section dedicated to the research methodology. It meticulously details the systematic approach employed in addressing research questions or hypotheses. This chapter outlines the research design, population, and sampling methods, shedding light on data collection techniques, research instruments, and data analysis methods. Ethical considerations, validity, reliability, and limitations are also thoroughly addressed. Serving as a roadmap, Chapter 3 ensures transparency and credibility in the chosen methods, acting as a foundational guide for the entire research project. It provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the study's methodology, essential for interpreting and trusting the research findings. Click the Icon to go to Chapter three.

Research paradigms are overarching frameworks that guide researchers in understanding and approaching the nature of knowledge, inquiry, and the research process. There are several research paradigms, and they align with Chapter 3 (Methodology) by influencing the researcher’s worldview and choice of research methods. Here are some common research paradigms: (Click on each tab to review the content).

Research paradigms are typically discussed in the early stages of planning to inform the choice of research methods. Paradigms are elaborated in the methodology section, explaining the philosophical underpinnings. If the chosen research approach does not explicitly align with a particular paradigm, it may not need extensive discussion. In some cases, the paradigm may have minimal impact on the overall study design, making it less central to the discussion.

Research philosophies represent the fundamental beliefs about the nature of reality, knowledge, and the researcher’s role. They guide the choice of research methods and the overall research approach. Here are some common research philosophies: (Click on each tab to review the content).

Scoping Review Methodology

A scoping review is a type of literature review that seeks to map the existing literature on a broad topic, identifying key concepts, theories, evidence sources, and research gaps. Scoping reviews aim to explore the breadth of literature on a broad subject, providing an overview of the available evidence without necessarily assessing the quality of individual studies. Scoping reviews are particularly useful when a research area is complex, diverse, or not well-defined, helping researchers identify the key themes and gaps in existing literature.

Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods are different research methodologies. These methodologies represent distinct approaches to conducting research, each with its unique set of principles, techniques, and philosophies. Philosophical orientations inform the design, data collection, and analysis strategies in each type of research, shaping the researchers’ perspectives and approaches to knowledge creation. Researchers select a specific methodology based on the nature of the research questions, the type of data required, and the research objectives. 

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is characterized by its reliance on numerical data, which is often collected through structured questionnaires, checklists, and measurement scales. The main objective of quantitative research is to explain, predict, or control phenomena. Analysis in quantitative research is typically statistical, and this approach often involves a limited number of variables studied within large sample sizes. Quantitative research is closely associated with deductive reasoning, where hypotheses are tested based on existing theories or concepts. This approach is highly structured and aims for precision, allowing researchers to draw specific conclusions about the relationships between variables.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research emphasizes narrative data and seeks to describe phenomena in depth. Qualitative methods include open-ended interviews, document examination, and participant observation, where researchers immerse themselves in the environment to gather rich, context-specific data. The results of qualitative research are primarily used to describe phenomena and gain a deep understanding of complex social contexts. Qualitative research is inductive in nature, allowing theories to emerge from the data rather than testing predefined hypotheses. It often explores diverse perspectives, offering nuanced insights into human experiences, beliefs, and behaviors.

Mixed Method Research

A mixed methods approach combines both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, allowing researchers to capitalize on the strengths of both techniques. This approach acknowledges the complexity of research questions that may benefit from a holistic understanding. By integrating quantitative data for statistical analysis and qualitative data for in-depth exploration, researchers can provide a more comprehensive and nuanced perspective on the phenomena under investigation. The mixed methods approach offers a balanced and triangulated view, enriching the research findings and providing a deeper understanding of the research topic. Researchers employing this approach often use qualitative data to illuminate the context and quantitative data to establish patterns, providing a more holistic and robust interpretation of research outcomes.

The population in a research study constitutes the core group under investigation. Clarity in defining this group, encompassing factors like age, gender, location, socioeconomic status, and other relevant demographics, is imperative. For instance, the population could be as specific as “primary school teachers,” “children from middle-class families,” or even “10-year-old girls with diabetes.” This defined group serves as the foundation upon which research questions are built and findings are generalized. Provide as much details as possible. 

Additionally, researchers need to be mindful of the accessible population, which refers to the subset of the population the researcher can feasibly reach. The sampling frame, acting as a guide for actual sample selection, must be comprehensive and representative. It ensures the study’s findings align with the intended population. Identifying this accessible population is vital, as it impacts the study’s feasibility, ethical considerations, and the practicality of data collection methods.

Determining the sample size is a critical aspect of research planning, directly impacting the study’s statistical power and reliability. Several factors influence this decision, including the desired confidence level, margin of error, and the variability inherent within the population. The supporting evidences, literature(s) or protocol guiding the sample size selection must be made clear. A larger sample size enhances the study’s reliability, ensuring that the findings can be generalized more confidently (Cohen, 1988). Careful consideration of these factors is essential for the study to yield meaningful and accurate results, reflecting the characteristics of the broader population from which the research questions emerge.

How to calculate the sample size for a research. How to calculate sample size for survey study.

Sample size calculators are available online example here. You may also review resources here to gain a better understanding of the terms included in the study parameters as well as alternative ways to calculating the sample size.

How to determine the sample size of a qualitative research. how to determine sample size of a qualitative study.

Sampling Techniques

At the heart of research lies the concept of sampling, a practice where insights are gleaned from a subset of the entire population with the aspiration that findings are universally applicable. This methodology, underscores the essence of extrapolating results from a fraction of the whole to the larger population. Various sampling techniques underpin this process, each offering distinct advantages.

Probability sampling

A sample is selected in such a way that each member of the population has a non-zero chance of being selected and the probability of being selected is known. When probability sampling is used, statistical procedure can be used to make inferences about the population.

Non-probability sampling

The probability of a member of the population being selected is unknown. Statistical inferences about the population cannot be made.

The sampling techniques also have impact on internal and external validity of the research. Lets us explore these further. 

Sampling Errors on Reliability and Validity

Non-Random Sampling Error (Sampling Bias)- This type of sampling error occurs when the sample selected is not representative of the population due to flaws in the sampling design. It can lead to a lack of external validity, as the findings may not generalize to the broader population. For example, if a researcher only samples participants from urban areas, the results may not be valid for rural populations.

Random Sampling Error– While random sampling is intended to minimize bias, there is still inherent variability in selecting one sample from many possible samples. This variability is known as random sampling error. Larger random sampling errors indicate a greater deviation between the sample and the population. To enhance reliability, researchers can increase the sample size, reducing the impact of random variation and improving the accuracy of the study’s outcomes.

Sampling errors, comprising non-random and random sampling errors, significantly impact the reliability and validity of research outcomes. Non-random sampling errors, leading to flaws that cannot be measured post-data collection. Identifying and rectifying these biases is crucial to prevent skewed results and enhance the external validity of the study. However, random sampling errors arise naturally due to variability in the selection process and can be estimated. While sampling biases hinder generalization, understanding and effectively managing random sampling errors ensure the validity and reliability of research outcomes.

Ensuring Reliability and Validity During Sampling

An instrument refers to a tool or device used to collect data or measure variables in a systematic and standardized way. Instruments can take various forms depending on the nature of the research and the type of data being collected. Examples of research instruments include surveys, questionnaires, interviews, tests, scales, checklists, and observational protocols. The primary purpose of an instrument is to ensure that data collection is consistent, reliable, and valid. Researchers carefully design and validate instruments to gather accurate and meaningful information that can be analyzed to address research questions or test hypotheses. The characteristics and features of an instrument depend on the specific requirements of the study and the type of data needed for analysis.

The researcher must comprehensively outline all data collection methods employed in the study. These methods may include questionnaires, interviews, observations, video and audio recordings, cameras, and field notes. Each method warrants a detailed description, encompassing aspects such as the number of items, what they measure, and other relevant details. A list of research designs and applicable data collection instrument are presented below:

Instrumentation, such as apparatus or tests, should also be meticulously described, elucidating their purpose and functionality. In quantitative research, a table summarizing each research question and its corresponding data collection method(s) can enhance clarity and organization. Additionally, a well-constructed timeline is essential for depicting the research development period, outlining various activities and their tentative dates. Presented in table format, the timeline serves as a visual guide to the progression of the study.

Furthermore, the researcher is obligated to furnish a comprehensive description of the procedural steps involved in data collection. This entails elucidating the methodology for experiments, the administration process for questionnaires, the conduct of interviews, the protocol for observations, and other pertinent details. Clarity in these descriptions is crucial for ensuring the rigor and replicability of the study.

Pilot Testing

Your research instrument may be new or was modified from a previous study; to ensure reliability of the instrument, it must be pilot tested. Pilot testing, also known as a pilot study or feasibility study, involves conducting a small-scale trial or test of a research project before the main study is implemented. This trial run allows researchers to identify and address potential issues, refine methodologies, and assess the practicality of the research design.

Purpose of Pilot Testing

The primary purpose of pilot testing is to uncover and rectify any flaws or challenges in the research plan before committing to a full-scale study. It helps researchers evaluate the feasibility of their methods, assess the clarity of instructions, refine data collection tools, and identify any unexpected issues that may arise during the actual study. Pilot testing contributes to the overall improvement of the research design and enhances the reliability and validity of the study. Pilot testing is recommended in various scenarios:

  • When implementing a new research design or methodology.
  • Before using specific instruments or tools for data collection.
  • When testing a novel intervention or treatment.
  • In situations where the research involves complex procedures.
  • Before conducting a large-scale study to ensure efficiency.
Research Instrument and Levels of Measurement

The analysis of data hinges on the meticulous design of items within the research instrument. A profound understanding of the various levels of measurement and the corresponding statistical operations applicable to these measurements is imperative. This understanding is integral for ensuring the validity of the conclusions drawn from the study results. 

Measurement is intricately linked to operationalization, which involves defining and translating abstract concepts into observable and measurable terms. Operationalization serves as the bridge connecting the conceptual or theoretical realm with the empirical or observational level. More precisely, measurement is a systematic procedure wherein a researcher assigns numerical values to empirical properties, enabling the transformation of abstract ideas into quantifiable data.

  1. Numerals are symbolic representations without inherent quantitative meaning. They serve as labels or identifiers for phenomena, objects, or entities. For instance, using numerals like 1, 2, 3 or Roman numerals I, II, III can help categorize and distinguish elements.
  2. When numerals are endowed with quantitative meaning, they transform into numbers. This quantitative aspect empowers researchers to leverage mathematical and statistical techniques for purposes such as description, explanation, and prediction.
  3. Assignments involve mapping numerals onto specific events, properties, or entities. It is the act of associating numerical values with observable characteristics.

Rules are the guiding principles or procedures that dictate how a researcher assigns numerals or numbers to objects or events. These rules are pivotal as they determine the quality of measurement. The careful formulation and application of rules ensure that the assigned numbers accurately and meaningfully represent the reality they intend to measure. It is through these rules that numbers gain significance and contribute to rigorous and meaningful analyses. Let us explore the types of items that may be incorporated into a questionnaire and the levels of measurement that can be applied to these items during the coding and subsequent analysis

Ethics in research encompasses a broad spectrum of principles and considerations aimed at protecting the welfare, rights, and dignity of individuals and communities involved in the research process. This multidimensional framework includes aspects such as respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, honesty, integrity, and accountability. Clarifying the dimensions relevant to the research being conducted is essential as it ensures that ethical principles are appropriately applied to address the specific challenges, risks, and impacts inherent in the research context. By identifying direct, indirect, or potential ethical dimensions, researchers can anticipate and mitigate ethical dilemmas, conflicts of interest, power imbalances, and unintended consequences that may arise during the course of the study. Moreover, articulating these dimensions promotes transparency, accountability, and ethical reflexivity, fostering trust among stakeholders and enhancing the credibility and validity of the research outcomes. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of the ethical dimensions relevant to the research is foundational for conducting ethical research and promoting the well-being of all involved parties. Ethics in Research were discussed here.

Ethics and the Role of the Institution

Institutional entities, such as universities, research organizations, and ethics review boards, play a pivotal role in ensuring ethical practices in research. These institutions often establish guidelines, policies, and procedures to govern the conduct of research involving human subjects, animal subjects, or sensitive data. Ethics review boards, commonly known as Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) or Research Ethics Committees (RECs), evaluate research proposals to assess the ethical implications and ensure compliance with ethical standards and regulations. They provide oversight to safeguard the welfare and rights of research participants, ensuring that studies are conducted with integrity, respect, and fairness. Additionally, institutions may offer training programs, workshops, and resources to educate researchers about ethical principles and best practices, fostering a culture of ethical conduct within the research community.

Ethics and the Research Team

The composition and dynamics of the research team can significantly influence the research process and outcomes due to the diverse axiological perspectives of team members. Axiology refers to the philosophical study of values, including ethical, moral, and epistemological beliefs, which shape researchers’ perceptions, attitudes, and decision-making processes. Research teams often comprise individuals with varying backgrounds, disciplines, cultural norms, and personal values, leading to a multiplicity of perspectives on research objectives, methodologies, and interpretations of findings. These diverse perspectives can enrich the research process by encouraging critical dialogue, challenging assumptions, and fostering innovative approaches. However, they can also introduce biases, conflicts, and ethical dilemmas that require careful navigation and resolution. Effective communication, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to ethical conduct are essential for research teams to navigate axiological differences constructively and uphold the integrity and validity of the research endeavor.

Ethical Dilemma in Research

An ethical dilemma in research refers to a situation where researchers encounter conflicting moral principles or values that make it challenging to determine the most appropriate course of action. These dilemmas often arise when researchers must navigate competing interests, responsibilities, or obligations while conducting their studies. Ethical dilemmas in research can involve complex considerations related to participant autonomy, beneficence, justice, privacy, confidentiality, and integrity.

Examples of ethical dilemmas in research include issues related to informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, conflicts of interest, research misconduct, data management and sharing, and the equitable treatment of research participants. Resolving ethical dilemmas requires careful consideration of ethical principles, consultation with relevant stakeholders, adherence to ethical guidelines and regulations, and a commitment to upholding the rights and welfare of research participants while maintaining the integrity and credibility of the research.

In circumventing ethical dilemmas these strategies, can effectively identify, address, and mitigate ethical issues in research endeavours, thereby upholding ethical standards and promoting the integrity and credibility of the research process.


Research, marked by a systematic approach, originates from a pivotal question or problem, propelling the investigation forward.

It necessitates a well-defined goal, providing a clear direction for inquiry, guided by a conceptual framework, research philosophies, and pertinent theories and models that shape the design and implementation.

The research process demands a strategic plan, often involving breaking down the primary problem into manageable sub-problems for a structured analysis.

Aligned with the specific research problem, question, or hypothesis, research operates on critical assumptions foundational to the chosen methodology.

At its core, the research process follows a cyclical or helical nature, involving continuous iterations, from problem formulation to data collection and interpretation. In essence, research embodies a dynamic and evolving journey, purposefully and iteratively exploring to resolve the identified problem.


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Published: 2024-1-15, Last Updated: 2024-3-25